Pricing table
Create & edit subsription plans, limiting total downloads and per day, attached specifc products to each plan, create subscriptions based on product categories, ... etc.
#Creating pricing table
Admin > Pricing table

Create & edit subsription plans, limiting total downloads and per day, attached specifc products to each plan, create subscriptions based on product categories, ... etc.


Specifications of subscriptions should be the same for all subscriptions, you can toggle the checkbox to activate/deactivate a spec for a plan

You can more specifications with the yellow "+" button and to delete a specification, just clear the text and unckeck the circle box.


All subscriptions durations must be assigned in days and a title to have a user friendly name for the plan (like "30" for the number of days and "Month" or "1 Month" for the title of the plan)

#Limit downloads

Downloads can be limited in totality, like authorizing subscribers to have 100 downloads for a 30 days (1 month) subscription

The limit can be reduced to days too, like allowing 5 downloads per day in addition to the total one

Another option is to limit downloads for the same product during the full subscription time (Downloads of the same item during the subscription)


You can create subscriptions by products, like making product A, B and C accessible with plan 1 and product D,E F accessible with plan 2 ... etc.

#Category of products

Another easier way to create subscription by products is to select a category of products for each plan, this way you won't need to select products one by one for each plan.


This the order how subscription plans will be shown on the website for users.