Create & edit products, promotional price, table of contents, permalink, premium content, fake reviews, fake commments ... etc.
#Creating & Editing products
Admin > Products

Creating & Editing products is simply done by filling the prodcut form and clicking on save button. Some fields are required while others are optional

#Fake reviews

It is possible to create as many reviews as needed for each product, we enter a fake username, a date, a review and rating and save the changes. Click on "+" sign to add, or "-" to delete or "Reset" to empty to rest a review

Fake reviews are shown on the single product page on the reviews section.

#Fake comments

Same as reviews, it is possible to create as many comments as needed for each product, we enter a fake username, a date, a comment and save the changes. Click on "+" sign to add, or "-" to delete or "Reset" to empty to rest a review

Fake comments are shown on the single product page on the comments section.

#Table of contents

The table of content is useful for products of type document, user who are selling PDFs or other doc formats.

#Enable licenses
By enabling licenses for a product, users will obtain a license key in addition to the main product file, you can use this license key later to validate user purchases it they ask for support or other attached services.
#Available via subscription only
This option makes products accessible with subscriptions only, users cannot purchase them individually.
#Hidden content
This is a premium content to show for users who purchased a product or have a valid subscription.
#Pricing & Promo

Products pricing is done based on the available licenses, the script comes with two licenses created by default, "Regular license" and "Extended license", you can create more licenses if needed or use just one.

Prices shown for users / visitors are taken from the regular license prices, it's mandatory to have one license "Marked as regular".

Products can have a promo price for each license with an optional expiration time, can be offered for free with an optional expiration time too.

There is an option on "General Settings > Products" to force users creating and account to download free items. When "Add to cart" is disabled, users can download free items directly without going through the checkout process.